Thursday, 28 January 2016

FEbruArY 14

It really got me thinking, Everyone has a way of describing it. I thought that feeling is just a definition not a description, maybe I am wrong. Its a bit strange how we want friends and family to understand why it's the best thing that ever happened to us. Standing from afar and watching them walk away, Looking back several times though you just said 'see you later'.
                                                                         Calling back a thousand times, After saying talk to you Later in the Evening. The Experiences always vary from moments to experiences graduating into fulfilling Emotions. The emotions say much more than the descriptions. iN the same breadth, a permanent separation bears its own reasons and emotions. Nonetheless, MELODIES keep reminding us of such beautiful moments or better still strengthening us just for a similar history. Thanks to musicians who are just in our shoes. They describe it just in our way. tHE lonely moments and the daylight dreams that got us smiling.

One word, ''HAPPYNESS'' seems to be the subset in all these circumstances. Everyone says am just happy and the company we share it's all I need.
It reminds me of many things. An experience I lived far away in myself. Just when I heard the steps from those long heels, as they move one after the other, the pounding sound got me panicking. I shook!. and I wondered, Did I just hear a quake? Or it's just my heartbeat!!. A sight at just one thing could put me in such state of panic and dilemma? Interesting, Somethings are for MEN indeed!.
From her feet straight to her knee spelt perfection. I blurred out at just her eyes, It shadowed my confidence. People Call it beautiful but I think its Fragrance. Love, at first Sight, was not an illusion, after all, it's an experience. Given a second chance, I will salute at the INfiniX of BeAUtiful.- iT was an experience.

It's about 2weeks away. IT'S HOW CHOCOLATE DESCRIBES IT. ......

Friday, 22 January 2016


Reading from renowned journals on development taught me that development has little to do with democracy, rather, Engineering sells development-#myopinion. 
Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah set the pace as far as Engineering and Development is concerned. Starting from manufacturing to transportation, technical and vocational institutes and to Technical Universities. Indeed, he understood the value of Engineering and its relevance in the future.The victory of a nation and its people is built on financial stability, Good jobs and regular income, quality health care and education. These were the beginnings for Ghana. Every developed country identified their strength and built many prospects for its people. They evaluated the prospects available and laid a solid foundation through technology and Engineering, complemented by massive infrastructural developments. Ghana has over 50% of its citizens involved in agriculture and its allied activities. That is our Gold. However, the mechanisation and technology application in this sector is a flaw in my opinion. This is just one of the many sectors that can upgrade our economic status THROUGH relevant investment in technological applications in agriculture. China identified manufacturing as a strength and utilised it to their advantage and gradually augmented the income status of its citizens and built a sustainability roadmap for it. Technology has over the years transformed so many things. It has remodelled various sectors of the economy and is promoting growth. 

Transportation, security, manufacturing and a lot more yield engineering opportunities every day. However,  the momentum to fully expand has obviously been missing. Where is industrialisation? Is it too expensive for Ghana? Imagine a food processing plant for every locally produced food. How about other processing plants that will truncate our importation of goods from other countries and promote local manufacturing. Of course, we have heard from many experts on all this  yet.......

HERE comes #TOOLBOX, An engineering show that seeks to find answers, to complement the existing technology trends in Ghana, to create and hype other investment opportunities, to advance growth and development through engineering. The programme seeks to highlight key sectors of the economy and identify the future of Engineering in Ghana and the world. I see this as the phase of a new era from Ghana.